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您的貓貓是否會在貓砂盆外撒尿、抓傷您的家具和地毯,或經常躲藏起來?這些行為可能是由恐懼或焦慮引起的。FELIWAY 產品經獸醫推薦,不含藥物,經臨床證明可幫助緩解貓主人遇到的許多不良行為。FELIWAY 噴霧通過模仿貓科動物自然的安撫信息(信息素)來提供'快樂信息',讓貓貓在家中感到平靜和舒適。研究發現,該產品可以減少 90% 的貓的抓癢、尿液噴射和隱藏行為,許多主人在 7 天內就看到了效果。貓貓對變化也非常敏感,所以如果您預計家裡會發生變化(搬家、翻新、重新裝修、新寵物、新家庭成員等),FELIWAY 可以非常有效地幫助您的貓貓保持冷靜並適應變化沒有不良行為。如果您在噴灑(撒尿)方面遇到問題,請在清潔受尿液影響的區域後,將FELIWAY 直接噴灑在尿跡以及其他物體上,包括家具、窗簾、窗框和門口。這可以幫助您的貓貓感到平靜,並減少因焦慮而引起的不良行為(例如在貓砂盆外撒尿)。這也將幫助他們停止抓傷和隱藏。FELIWAY 噴霧對人類和您的貓貓來說都是完全安全的 - 它無味、無色。消除恐懼,今天感覺更平靜!
Is your cat peeing outside the litter box, scratching your furniture and carpet, or hiding on a regular basis? These behaviors may be caused by fear or anxiety. FELIWAY products are a vet recommended, drug free, and clinically proven to help alleviate many of the unwanted behaviors cat owners deal with. FELIWAY Spray provides “happy messages” by mimicking the natural feline reassuring messages (pheromones) to make cats feel calm and comfortable at home. This product has been found to reduce scratching, spraying, and hiding for 90% of cats, and many owners see results within 7 days. Cats are also very sensitive to change, so if you anticipate changes in the home (moving, renovation, recorating, new pets, new family members, etcs.), FELIWAY is very effective in helping your cats remain calm, and adapt to the changes without unwanted behaviors. If you are having issues with spraying (peeing), after cleaning urine-affected areas, spray FELIWAY directly onto the urine marks, as well as onto other prominent objects including furniture, drapes, window frames and doorways. This helps your cat to feel calm, and reduces unwanted behaviors caused by anxiety (like peeing outside the litterbox). This will also help them to stop scratching and hiding as well. Feliway Spray is completley safe for both humans, and your cat - it is odorless and colorless. Spray away the fear, and feel calmer today!
特點 Features
Feliway® 是一種貓科動物臉部費洛蒙 (F3) 的化學複製品,貓用它來標記其領地邊界。貓用臉摩擦周圍環境會釋放這種費洛蒙。
Feliway® is a chemical copy of one of the feline facial pheromones (F3) used by cats to mark their territory boundaries. A cat rubbing its face on its environment releases this pheromone.

Founded in France in 1999, Ceva specializes in pet behavior solutions. Their products like FELIWAY and ADAPTIL help manage stress in pets, enhancing their overall well-being through scientific innovation.

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• FELIWAY is vet-recommended, and the #1 selling solution: FELIWAY Classic may help cats adjust to challenging situations, and curbs stress-related unwanted behaviors such as urine spraying, scratching, and general fearfulness
• 9 out of 10 cats show an improvement in urine spraying*
• FELIWAY Classic Spray makes vet visits, travel, new environments, and loud noise (thunder, fireworks, etc) less stressful for your cat
• FELIWAY Classic is a drug-free solution that mimics a cat’s natural facial pheromones, which may help your pet feel calmer in common stressful situations
• Great for on-the-go use, or spot treatment at home; you can spray calming pheromones directly onto objects such as your cat carrier or car 
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Feliway Classic Spray for Cats

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Estimated Delivery : Mar 15 (Sat) - Mar 17 (Mon)

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• FELIWAY is vet-recommended, and the #1 selling solution: FELIWAY Classic may help cats adjust to challenging situations, and curbs stress-related unwanted behaviors such as urine spraying, scratching, and general fearfulness
• 9 out of 10 cats show an improvement in urine spraying*
• FELIWAY Classic Spray makes vet visits, travel, new environments, and loud noise (thunder, fireworks, etc) less stressful for your cat
• FELIWAY Classic is a drug-free solution that mimics a cat’s natural facial pheromones, which may help your pet feel calmer in common stressful situations
• Great for on-the-go use, or spot treatment at home; you can spray calming pheromones directly onto objects such as your cat carrier or car 
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• FELIWAY is vet-recommended, and the #1 selling solution: FELIWAY Classic may help cats adjust to challenging situations, and curbs stress-related unwanted behaviors such as urine spraying, scratching, and general fearfulness
• 9 out of 10 cats show an improvement in urine spraying*
• FELIWAY Classic Spray makes vet visits, travel, new environments, and loud noise (thunder, fireworks, etc) less stressful for your cat
• FELIWAY Classic is a drug-free solution that mimics a cat’s natural facial pheromones, which may help your pet feel calmer in common stressful situations
• Great for on-the-go use, or spot treatment at home; you can spray calming pheromones directly onto objects such as your cat carrier or car 
💊 This is a Pet Healthcare product

Before purchasing this healthcare product, we highly recommend consulting with your veterinarian first. Our healthcare products are designed to provide specific medical conditions or nutritional requirements, which may not be suitable for every pet.

By purchasing our healthcare products, you confirm that your pet has been examined by a licensed veterinarian who has recommended the use of this product based on their professional evaluation and diagnosis. Should your pet's condition deteriorate in any way while using this product, seek immediate veterinary advice.

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