Urine Off - Dog & Puppy Formula Bottle Carpet Injector Cap 32 oz
    Urine Off - Dog & Puppy Formula Bottle Carpet Injector Cap 32 oz
Urine Off - Dog & Puppy Formula Bottle Carpet Injector Cap 32 oz
Urine Off - Dog & Puppy Formula Bottle Carpet Injector Cap 32 oz
    Urine Off - Dog & Puppy Formula Bottle Carpet Injector Cap 32 oz
Urine Off - Dog & Puppy Formula Bottle Carpet Injector Cap 32 oz

Product Details

你愛你的狗,但你家裡的尿味讓你抓狂!狗尿的氣味明顯、強烈,極難永久去除。與許多其他動物一樣,狗使用尿液和糞便作為溝通方式,表明佔有慾和領地意識。 Urine Off 是排名第一的獸醫推薦產品,用於去除狗尿味和污漬。過去,狗尿的氣味和污漬幾乎不可能消除。現在,使用 Urine Off Dog & Puppy Formula,您可以永久消除您的狗的尿味和地毯或地毯上的污漬。被指定為美國農業部認證的生物基產品。 Urine Off 是一款革命性的生物技術產品,可從源頭永久消除尿液異味和污漬。 Urine Off 使用天然微生物及其酵素的組合來消化尿酸晶體(產生尿液的刺鼻氣味)以及尿素(尿液中的黏性物質)和蛋白質(促進病原體生長)。在去除地毯上的狗尿味和污漬方面,Urine Off 遙遙領先。它是唯一獲得美國地毯管理局地毯研究所 (CRI) 批准印章的尿味和污漬去除劑。 Urine Off 已獲得 Interface Carpet 的認可,並且是世界上最大的犬展 Crufts 的官方賽場清潔劑。
You love your dog, but the urine smell in your house is driving you crazy! Dog urine odor is unmistakable, strong, and extremely difficult to permanently remove. Like many other animals, dogs use urine and feces as a method of communication, indicating possessiveness and territoriality. Urine Off is the #1 Veterinarian recommended product for dog urine odor and stain removal. In the past, dog urine odor and stains were nearly impossible to eliminate. Now, with Urine Off Dog & Puppy Formula, you can permanently eliminate your dog's urine odor and stains from your carpet or rug.
Urine Off has been awarded USDA BioPreferred® designation as a USDA Certified Biobased Product. Urine Off is a revolutionary biotechnology product that eliminates urine odor and stains at the source, permanently. Urine Off uses a combination of naturally occurring micro-organisms and their enzymes to digest the uric acid crystals (which produce urine's pungent aroma) as well as urea (the sticky substance in urine) and proteins (which promote pathogen growth). When it comes to removing dog urine odor and stains from carpet and rugs, Urine Off is head-and-shoulders above the rest. It is the only urine odor and stain remover that carries the Seal of Approval from the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI), the U.S. Carpet Authority. Urine Off has been endorsed by Interface Carpet, and is the official show-ring cleaning agent for Crufts, the world's largest dog show.
關於Urine Off About Urine Off

About Urine Off - Keep pet's urine off, permanently!

In the past, pet urine odor and stains were nearly impossible to eliminate. Now, with Urine Off, you can permanently eliminate your pet's urine odor and stains from virtually any surface. Urine Off uses bio-enzymatic technology to eliminate urine odor and stains at the source permanently. The combination of micro-organisms and their enzymes in the non-pathogenic bacteria work together to breakdown the uric acid that produces urine's pungent aroma and the urea that sticks to the surface, effectively removing all components of the urine.

Recommended by pet owners and veterinarians alike, Urine Off's products carry the Carpet and Rug Institute Seal of Approval, certified to be safe and effective for use on carpet and rugs. Urine Off is also safe for use around pets and people, when used as directed.

Delivery and Returns
Hong Kong Island
2-3 Business Days
2-3 Business Days
New Territories
2-3 Business Days
Discovery Bay, Tung Chung & Ma Wan
2-3 Business Days
We are not delivering to outlying islands or internationally at the moment.
你愛你的狗,但你家裡的尿味讓你抓狂!狗尿的氣味明顯、強烈,極難永久去除。與許多其他動物一樣,狗使用尿液和糞便作為溝通方式,表明佔有慾和領地意識。 Urine Off 是排名第一的獸醫推薦產品,用於去除狗尿味和污漬。過去,狗尿的氣味和污漬幾乎不可能消除。現在,使用 Urine Off Dog & Puppy Formula,您可以永久消除您的狗的尿味和地毯或地毯上的污漬。被指定為美國農業部認證的生物基產品。 Urine Off 是一款革命性的生物技術產品,可從源頭永久消除尿液異味和污漬。 Urine Off 使用天然微生物及其酵素的組合來消化尿酸晶體(產生尿液的刺鼻氣味)以及尿素(尿液中的黏性物質)和蛋白質(促進病原體生長)。在去除地毯上的狗尿味和污漬方面,Urine Off 遙遙領先。它是唯一獲得美國地毯管理局地毯研究所 (CRI) 批准印章的尿味和污漬去除劑。 Urine Off 已獲得 Interface Carpet 的認可,並且是世界上最大的犬展 Crufts 的官方賽場清潔劑。
You love your dog, but the urine smell in your house is driving you crazy! Dog urine odor is unmistakable, strong, and extremely difficult to permanently remove. Like many other animals, dogs use urine and feces as a method of communication, indicating possessiveness and territoriality. Urine Off is the #1 Veterinarian recommended product for dog urine odor and stain removal. In the past, dog urine odor and stains were nearly impossible to eliminate. Now, with Urine Off Dog & Puppy Formula, you can permanently eliminate your dog's urine odor and stains from your carpet or rug.
Urine Off has been awarded USDA BioPreferred® designation as a USDA Certified Biobased Product. Urine Off is a revolutionary biotechnology product that eliminates urine odor and stains at the source, permanently. Urine Off uses a combination of naturally occurring micro-organisms and their enzymes to digest the uric acid crystals (which produce urine's pungent aroma) as well as urea (the sticky substance in urine) and proteins (which promote pathogen growth). When it comes to removing dog urine odor and stains from carpet and rugs, Urine Off is head-and-shoulders above the rest. It is the only urine odor and stain remover that carries the Seal of Approval from the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI), the U.S. Carpet Authority. Urine Off has been endorsed by Interface Carpet, and is the official show-ring cleaning agent for Crufts, the world's largest dog show.
關於Urine Off About Urine Off

About Urine Off - Keep pet's urine off, permanently!

In the past, pet urine odor and stains were nearly impossible to eliminate. Now, with Urine Off, you can permanently eliminate your pet's urine odor and stains from virtually any surface. Urine Off uses bio-enzymatic technology to eliminate urine odor and stains at the source permanently. The combination of micro-organisms and their enzymes in the non-pathogenic bacteria work together to breakdown the uric acid that produces urine's pungent aroma and the urea that sticks to the surface, effectively removing all components of the urine.

Recommended by pet owners and veterinarians alike, Urine Off's products carry the Carpet and Rug Institute Seal of Approval, certified to be safe and effective for use on carpet and rugs. Urine Off is also safe for use around pets and people, when used as directed.

Delivery and Returns
Hong Kong Island
2-3 Business Days
2-3 Business Days
New Territories
2-3 Business Days
Discovery Bay, Tung Chung & Ma Wan
2-3 Business Days
We are not delivering to outlying islands or internationally at the moment.
Urine Off

Dog & Puppy Formula Bottle Carpet Injector Cap

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Estimated Delivery : Mar 28 (Fri) - Mar 31 (Mon)

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You love your dog, but the urine smell in your house is driving you crazy! Dog urine odor is unmistakable, strong, and extremely difficult to permanently remove. Like many other animals, dogs use urine and feces as a method of communication, indicating possessiveness and territoriality. Urine Off is the #1 Veterinarian recommended product for dog urine odor and stain removal. In the past, dog urine odor and stains were nearly impossible to eliminate. Now, with Urine Off Dog & Puppy Formula, you can permanently eliminate your dog's urine odor and stains from your carpet or rug.

Urine Off has been awarded USDA BioPreferred® designation as a USDA Certified Biobased Product. Urine Off is a revolutionary biotechnology product that eliminates urine odor and stains at the source, permanently. Urine Off uses a combination of naturally occurring micro-organisms and their enzymes to digest the uric acid crystals (which produce urine's pungent aroma) as well as urea (the sticky substance in urine) and proteins (which promote pathogen growth). When it comes to removing dog urine odor and stains from carpet and rugs, Urine Off is head-and-shoulders above the rest. It is the only urine odor and stain remover that carries the Seal of Approval from the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI), the U.S. Carpet Authority. Urine Off has been endorsed by Interface Carpet, and is the official show-ring cleaning agent for Crufts, the world's largest dog show.

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You love your dog, but the urine smell in your house is driving you crazy! Dog urine odor is unmistakable, strong, and extremely difficult to permanently remove. Like many other animals, dogs use urine and feces as a method of communication, indicating possessiveness and territoriality. Urine Off is the #1 Veterinarian recommended product for dog urine odor and stain removal. In the past, dog urine odor and stains were nearly impossible to eliminate. Now, with Urine Off Dog & Puppy Formula, you can permanently eliminate your dog's urine odor and stains from your carpet or rug.

Urine Off has been awarded USDA BioPreferred® designation as a USDA Certified Biobased Product. Urine Off is a revolutionary biotechnology product that eliminates urine odor and stains at the source, permanently. Urine Off uses a combination of naturally occurring micro-organisms and their enzymes to digest the uric acid crystals (which produce urine's pungent aroma) as well as urea (the sticky substance in urine) and proteins (which promote pathogen growth). When it comes to removing dog urine odor and stains from carpet and rugs, Urine Off is head-and-shoulders above the rest. It is the only urine odor and stain remover that carries the Seal of Approval from the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI), the U.S. Carpet Authority. Urine Off has been endorsed by Interface Carpet, and is the official show-ring cleaning agent for Crufts, the world's largest dog show.

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